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Mujeza Honey

Green Propolis + Sidr Honey (250g/pc)

Green Propolis + Sidr Honey (250g/pc)

Regular price $ 26.50 CAD
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World's Strongest Natural Immune Supporter!

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  • Overview

    Origin: Green propolis is a type of propolis specifically produced by honeybees in Brazil. They collect resin from a plant called Baccharis dracunculifolia (also known as rosemary-of-the-field), giving this propolis a distinctive green hue.

    Unveiling a truly potent blend - Green Propolis with Kashmiri Sidr Honey. A unique alliance between Brazil's celebrated green propolis and the aromatic monofloral nectar from the Kashmiri jujube flowers, this dynamic duo serves as a powerful kickstart to health and wellbeing.

  • Ingredients & Health Benefits

    Experience the beneficial fusion of:

    • Immune support: It's often used to boost the immune system and combat respiratory infections.
    • Wound healing: Applied topically to promote healing of cuts, burns, and ulcers.
    • Oral health: Used in mouthwashes and toothpaste due to antibacterial properties that may fight plaque and infections.
    • Antioxidant support: Helps the body fight oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals.
    • Potential anti-cancer applications: While research is ongoing, some studies suggest green propolis may exhibit anti-tumor effects.
    • immune-boosting properties because of the polyphenols especially terpenes. This is a natural gift from nature.
    • Premium Brazilian green propolis, acclaimed for its superiority over local, brown, and red propolis
    • Touch of aromatic Kashmiri Sidr Honey, pure, raw, and unadulterated, with highly potent benefits
  • How to use

    Unlock the unique health offerings:

    • When feeling under the weather: For optimal benefits, consume several times a day, particularly before retiring at night and upon waking in the morning
    • Enhance your immunity by taking it with a glass of water
  • Additional Notes

    • Green propolis sourced from Brazil, where it's recognized for its superior benefits
    • Subject of continued modern research due to its unique health properties
    • A piece of Brazilian potency that's rarely found in Canada